Protecting a certain richness of life

About 8 to 10 months ago I walked out of Walmart vowing to never again return. I have kept to my promise made that day whispered to God, the universe and my fellow man who feel as I do. I decided at that moment that I would seek out more human interactions and quality products in an atmosphere that made me feel good and right at all times possible. I decided that I could save money by NOT shopping at Walmart. This has definitely come true. My belief that I would be happier and more fulfilled with my human to human contact in smaller locally owned businesses has also been fulfilled. Owning my own busines, one would think that I , like so many, would never step foot in a Walmart but i confess that with 3 children I found myself shopping when other stores were closed or looking for the lower priced item. What i found was that it was always a really lonely, depressing experience simply being in the Walmart. Even the sounds of the cash registers brought my energy level down. There is a very low low vibration of energy there. As far as saving money, I believe that by never setting foot in a Walmart I save a tremendous amount of money because I do not fill my cart with items that I really do not need and didn't want before seeing it. Most of these items are so poorly made that they end up broken or they ended up in a bag to the Goodwill soon there after. Now I take my time , before purchasing to make sure I really need the item and to make sure I want it . Most often after a couple of days I find that I do not need whatever I am thinkin of . If I am still in need or want of an item then I do a little research and I buy quality. While buying quality I also try to buy local so that the whole experience feels....good. I can tell you that for me it is really working. Being a small business owner myself, Carytown Optical, I have always looked for the little local diner or a fan restaraunt instead of a corporate eatery but I have now taken it all a step further in consciously seeking out this same experience whether it be food shopping or hardware shopping or a hair cut. What a differnce it has made in my happiness and spirit. I believe that the Europeans live this type of enriched life as do certain districts of many cities in the U.S but we see it disappearing everywhere before our eyes. The internet shopping experience is only exasperating the loss of the true variety and spice of life that we find in small shoppes and small businesses.


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